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A teacher's ability to thrive in their jobs is linked to their overall health, happiness, and satisfaction.
(Simple as that.)
So, what can you do as a school leader to foster an inspiring and engaging environment that nurtures grit and resilience in your teachers?
High performing companies recognize the multifaceted nature of well-being, which includes health, work-life balance, purpose, and personal development.
These insights can re-energize and strengthen school and organizational cultures. When we invest in our teachers, we invest in our school's and community's success.

Greater teacher wellbeing is tied to greater outcomes for students.
Schools should prioritize the well-being of their teachers because it's fundamentally the right thing to do. However, many view it as competing with other school initiatives or as just another burden for teachers to manage.
Yet, research on workplace well-being is conclusive: when teachers experience higher well-being, it directly contributes to better outcomes for students.

We have to face the music and realize:
Relying on casual dress days, sweet treat deliveries, celebrations and staff shout-outs all serve a purpose -- but we've gotta choose solid ways to build resilience, over the shiny ways we attempt to create a positive school culture.
In fact, we have an obligation to do just that -- build resilience.
Teachers need
more than survival kits and compliments.
Way more.
Enter the superapp for teachers
Contrary to popular belief, factors like compensation and flexibility have less impact on work well-being than many might expect.
Typically, for the world of education, the job itself is inherently stressful and cannot be altered. In these situations, strategies that help employees manage stress more effectively can enhance their overall well-being.
Studies reveal that teachers with supportive and accessible principals who communicate with them often are more resilient to work-related stressors.
The fact is, we know that teachers need more from their principal than what the principal can offer.
(It doesn't just take a pandemic to throw off a principal's day and priorities.)

It's time to ensure principals can connect with their teachers when it matters most.
It’s time to provide teachers with the resources they need to build inner resilience and confidently tackle challenges.
The Best Self-Care App for Teachers
Start getting more out of work and life. The world's first teacher superapp.

This isn't about bashing spirit weeks and jeans days, but ...
Here's the thing: you have the ability to provide the tools that ensures teachers feel seen, valued, strong, and confident.
That's the power of
It's not about adding one more thing to anyone's plate ...
It's about customizing the job to better support teacher wellbeing through job-crafting. Because of the cognitive crafting established with TeacherWell, teachers receive
the positive benefits of improved energy, engagement, and job satisfaction.

"It's the best actionable investment you'll make for your school."​​
Spoiler alert! TeacherWell hits above the mark when it comes to supporting the wellbeing of teachers.​​