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Healthy minds for teachers,
remarkable results for schools.
TeacherWell is designed to promote educator wellness, improve school culture, and enhance school improvement by taking a holistic approach to supporting teachers.
Here's what the research says ...
Teachers who are stressed struggle to implement quality instruction.
​​... stress jeopardizes teachers' ability to effectively implement [instruction].
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As the stress level in teachers increases, so does the stress level in students.
... which ultimately leads to a negative classroom environment.
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Addressing the Stress
School-based interventions are necessary to improve teachers’ stress-coping ability.
... it is essential to reducing teachers’ anxiety and depression.
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Teacher Engagement
When teachers aren't fully engaged in their work, their students pay the price everyday.
... forming behaviors of well-being positively impacts [teacher] engagement.
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TeacherWell Can Help
Ready to Invest in Your Teachers?
Get started with a Group Plan and get up to 50% off.
You get to decide who's in the group ...
entire districts
special ed. teams
new teacher cohorts
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